Depression, also known as depressive disorder, is a disorder which makes you feel unmotivated, constantly sad and have a major lack or interest in life.

It is normal to feel sad at times, whether this be grieving the loss of a family member or when there may be a big change happening in your life. Life has it challenges. However, the intense feeling of  sadness may carry on for many days or even weeks, more than originally expected. This is where it gets to point of effecting you or distracts you from doing even the simplest of tasks. If you feel like your Depressive episode is reaching this stage, seeking professional help is the best option. Alternatively, below are list of techniques you could try or advice a loved could give a go to reduce the feeling of Depression.

Remember, spotting the signs early could really help your progress towards a better future.


Meditation and Relaxation have been found to relax the mind and body in several ways.

It won’t make your Depression magically disappear; however, you can make it more manageable. Despite Depression being the main field  for overanalysing your thoughts, meditating helps your mind focus and pay attention to your thoughts and feelings without over analysing. Just taking 5 – 10 minutes out of your day to cleanse your mind, after having a busy day at work or maybe the stress of school or college assignments/assessments is so important. Certain techniques such as steady breathing or sitting in a quiet place can make all recommended.

Make a Plan

Staying organised. By setting yourself a weekly or even daily plan to start off with may help you increase your productivity rate as well as aim to stick to an initial routine. Managing your time correctly, whether this be to plan your diet plan for the week, what days you will be exercising or even your clothes washing rota, making sure you set yourself time aside so you don’t feel so overwhelmed is important and gives you a piece of mind.

Stay Connected

Depression can have a huge impact on someone’s Mental Health and mindset, this is why keeping in contact with family members and close friends is important. Arranging to meet up friend or socialising with a small group of friends can have a positive impact on your mental health especially. Socialising with others helps to increase your sense of happiness and well-being, and may even help you live longer. Connecting with people over technology such as message, facetiming video or phone calls is a good way of keeping in touch, however face to face interaction is the best form of interaction

Exercising and Nutrition

Getting in at one of the following exercises can improve your Mental Health dramatically:

  • Go on a run
  • Walking with a friend or a pet
  • Join in on an outside activity


Organising and managing your meals, which is part of your physical health is just as important as your mental health. Exercising can help distract your mind from worrying thoughts and get away from the cycle of negative thoughts that feed depression and anxiety. Releasing feel-good endorphins can enhance your sense of well-being. Doing at least 30 minutes of exercise a day for three to five days a week may significantly improve depression symptoms. Depending on what type of physical activity you part take in, remembering to enjoy it is also important as this will make all the difference.


Daily dose of Sunlight

Making sure you get you dose of sunlight every day, whether it being sitting out in the garden, going for a walk, meeting some friends for a coffee in an outdoor café or organise an outdoor activity. Enduring at least 10-30 minutes of daylight a day, for several times a week will help you sleep better, reduces stress, maintains strong bones, strengthen your immune system and can most of all, help fight off Depression.

Challenge Negative Thoughts

Depression can put a negative spin on every situation, including your own self-worth, how you view yourself and even your plans for the future. Being able to control how you’re feeling and not be influenced by other or external people with a negative mindset is so important. Focusing on your own growth to becoming a better person and battling your fight with Depression is a key focus on your journey.

When to get Professional Help for Depression

Depression can be very serious. If you are suffering from severe symptoms or signs of Depression, seeking support from a professional therapist may be the best options before trying alternative approaches. Depending on the severity of your disorder, seeking professional help first may be the best option. You can talk to a Mental Health professional or your own healthcare Provider at your nearest Clinic or GP. Alternatively our Anxiety and Depression 24 hour helpline is just a simple call away. We are here to help anyone suffering with a Mental Health Problem.
